What is the Joker Card? Meaning and Uses

In a normal deck of cards, you will see 2 cards with beautiful and unique designs compared to the others, which are the Joker cards. These 2 cards will also be converted to different designs, one is black and white and the other has a more prominent shape. So what is the Joker card, the meaning of these cards, and how to play the Joker card in the deck? If you do not fully understand them, please refer to the article shared by PhlWin below.

What is the Origin of the Joker Card?

What is the Origin of the Joker Card?

In countries where this Joker card is popular, it is also called another concept. To talk about the score of this Joker card, everyone just needs to know that when adding up these 2 cards, the total score will be 365, which is the highest. Depending on each deck, these 2 cards will also be counted as 1 point, flexible in each deck. That is also the reason why some decks still regularly use these 2 Joker cards. In Uno, these 2 cards will be estimated with the highest score. However, if people participate in betting at Casinos, they will not appear. Depending on each deck, the shape of these Joker cards is designed to be extremely flexible. In each deck, if you see a card without a suit, it is the Joker card.

In the early 1960s, this Joker card was officially introduced and circulated on the market. Up to now, it has undergone many changes in design. There is also a lot of information that these Joker cards were inspired by the game Euchre in America. However, to compare, the Joker and Bower cards have absolutely nothing in common. According to research, this card was also put into operation thanks to its origin from Euchre in America. In 1860, the Bower card was designed for the game Euchre in America. There was a change to make the deck more interesting, they quickly added the A card, which is Bower, to the deck. A while later, the Joker card was officially circulated, each deck of cards will have a different meaning, but it all represents strength.

What Is The Meaning Of The Joker Card?

What Is The Meaning Of The Joker Card?

As shared, the Joker card will often have different meanings in each deck. And to give everyone an overview, we will explain specifically in the following section. Specifically:

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In Tarot

In Tarot, this card represents opportunity and a strong life. Another meaning is that it symbolizes recklessness when making decisions, sometimes also a competitive spirit. In the Euchre deck, the Joker means strength, and boldness, and is also known as Benny/Top Bower. However, in the Eucher deck, this Joker does not have a specific function, it will depend on the time the player sets.

In Canasta

In Canasta, the Joker is a free card, without any specific rules. Therefore, when using it, you will not need to follow any rules. And if you combine this card with other cards in the deck, the score will be 50.

In War

In War, the Joker card can beat all other cards in the deck. However, to maximize the effectiveness, you need to combine them with big cards. Although this game is not too popular, you need to pay close attention when playing.

Free Variation

Free Variation

Depending on the variation, this Joker card will have a way of operating depending on the purpose, depending on the game. Sometimes it acts as a replacement for the A card, sometimes it is only used to find the dealer. Sometimes it is used as a set, with a strong meaning when replacing a pair into a set of 3, …. With the above sharing, everyone must have understood the meaning of the Joker card in each different game. Understanding the meaning and expression of this card will help you combine them conveniently. However, in Vietnamese card games, this card appears relatively rarely, so everyone does not need to worry too much. Through sharing what the Joker card is, everyone must have understood, the meaning of the card in each game has also been introduced in detail. Hopefully, with the above information, you have also accumulated useful knowledge for yourself.

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